Welcome to this website, in which I write about various subjects that interest me. This really is for no-ones benefit but my own, but if you’ve found your way here and happen to share the same set of niche interests then enjoy. Enjoy also the vast temporal gaps between updates!

Adventures in retro-computing

I have maintained a passion over the years for the 8-bit and 16-bit machines of my youth. In these pages I discuss the various things I have done to continue to enjoy those machines and software today.


I have maintained a passion over the years for getting pissed up at relatively low costs. In these pages I discuss the various technology and techniques I use to achieve that end.

1001 Albums

I have maintained a passion over the years for using my ears to detect longitudinal waves in the local atmosphere. In these pages I report my progress through the reference book, ‘1001 Albums you must hear before you die‘.